Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Everything You Want

You're waiting for someone
To put you together
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say 

He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
One of my favorite new shows this television season is NEW GIRL.  It's on FOX on Tuesday nights.  It's a comedy about a quirky dorky girl named Jess who is a school teacher and who gets dumped by her long-term boyfriend and then moves in with three men she met on craigslist.  She has this shiny, happy people vibe to her - always trying to see the best in people and trying to put a smile on everyone's face.  She doesn't always have her stuff together and things sometimes go a little crazy but her intentions are for the best.  She is a romantic in a world of cynics.  She rocks a mean polka dot and plays with glitter.  There's a "Jess" inside of me some place that surfaces every now and then.  Although, I do have more common sense and world-awareness that she lacks.

The three men are very unique in their own ways.

Nick is the scruffy "everyman".  He is college educated but not using his education.  He acts tough but has a good heart.  He watches out for Jess but likes to come off surly and prickly.  He acts like he doesn't need anyone or anything but you can sense that Jess brings out something in him that draws him to her.  He is protective of her and possibly even interested in her, eventhough he won't admit it.  He enjoys being the curmudgeon, the hold-back, the "voice of reality" whenever a plan is being hatched.  He is the father figure, man of the household.  He fixes things.  He seems like the guy you could call at 3:00 a.m. to bail you out and he would, but he'd also lecture you about it the entire drive home and then maybe take you out for breakfast the next day to smooth things over.  Nick is great.  Is he the perfect man?  Hmmm...  Maybe for someone who is extremely patient and who is okay with the constant up and down of his personality.  Nick is a searcher.  He isn't exactly sure who is he and who/what completes him.

Schmidt is the pretty boy "metrosexual".  Formerly fat, overlooked by his mom.  He's the guy girls can hang with because he's on top of fashion and style issues.  He's the guy guys hang out with because the girls will flock to him.  He is glossy and high maintenance.  He has OCD tendencies. He loves to cook.  He likes things a certain way.  He places value on brands and labels.  He has to have some sort of attention, even if it is negative attention.  He really likes himself.  Is Schmidt the perfect man?  Hmmm... maybe for another man.  Schmidt has a sense of insecurity about him which probably comes from being fat and unloved as a child.  He is constantly striving to prove that he is good enough.  He places values on things and those things give him comfort.  He sees his things as a sign of success. Schmidt would be great to go shopping with, watch a chick flick with, and/or taking a cooking class with.  He'd also be great if you needed help organizing your closet.  

Winston is the "misunderstood jock".  He was a pro basketball player for a foreign country who once had game and got game, but when the fame went poof, his game went poof.  He's unemployed and basically relying on his friends to support him.  His character hasn't been fully developed yet.  He wants to be part of the gang, but also seems to want to do his own thing.  He doesn't fully commit to any one theory, mostly watching from the sidelines.  He's looking for his new path in life.  Winston has too many open endings to be another's perfect man right now.  He's evolving.  He's looking for direction.  Winston is great as a "tagalong" and probably has a lot of free time.  He seems open to just about anything, though.

I think the writers purposely created three totally separate men who all possess the "total package" if you were to mesh them into one man. 

I'd like to meet the guy who had Nick's fierce loyalty, Mr. Fix It qualities, good heart and humbleness; Schmidt's fashion sense, cooking skills and cleanliness; and Winston's athletic abilities, and "open to anything" attitude.

These guys are perfect for Jess who is evolving herself, trying to figure out what she wants and who she wants.

Of the three, I think Nick would probably be the one who would balance her... and vice versa.  Nick could use some whimsy -- some glitter and unicorns.  Jess could use the voice of reason and grounding.  Schmidt would be easily distracted by the glitter and his pretty reflection in it.  Winston would be reminded of the shiny trophies of his past and get frustrated.

Will the writers go this route?  I hope not.  I like the mystery of the "What If"? 

We all know what happens to television shows where the writers finally hook up the male and female characters who had great chemistry until they hooked up...  those shows get cancelled.

In my own life, I tend to gravitate towards the Schmidts because they are safe and the Nicks because they appeal to my heart.  The Schmidts entertain me for awhile and then move onto someone else, usually a male someone else.  I'm bummed for awhile, but usually end up with a good friend for life who can give me advice on men, shopping, etc.  The Nicks -- the Nicks touch my soul -- and those are the ones I have a hard time letting go of.  I always see that person beneath the gruff exterior and hope that if I'm patient enough, the real person will evolve and I'll be lucky enough to be there with open arms when he does evolve.  Sadly, I'm usually there, but only as the friend who gets to wish him luck as he takes his newfound confidence to someone else.  I haven't had any Winstons in my life, but now that I'm going to the gym, there's a chance. :)

I enjoy the fantasy, though, where the Jesses and Nicks of the world do work out. 

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