Sunday, October 30, 2011


I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kind of boring
Need something that i can confess

Till all my sleeves are stained red

From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no, I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
I'm sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

I know it's probably hard to believe, but I have many secrets about things I have done, said and thought that I don't feel comfortable sharing on here, on Facebook or even with close friends.

I carefully select what I want to share of myself.   It may seem at times that I don't edit myself, but I do.  I am a writer.  Words are my business.  I craft them to say what I want to say and portray me the way I want to be portrayed.  Victim.  Hero.  Everywoman.  Unique.  Girl Next Door.  Siren In Training.   I only give what I think is necessary to spin the tale, to weave my words, to draw you in.

If I go too far, I delete the post.  I often come back multiple times to edit posts and make sure that I don't give "too much" away.  I like having some secrets for people to discover about me.

I had a cyber friend once who said to me that just when he thought he had me figured out, I'd do something or say something that totally threw him for a loop and made him rethink his evaluation of me.  I loved that.  I told him I was like an onion.  I have many layers.  As you peel back each layer, you get closer to the heart of me. 

I found a website today for posting anonymous confessions.  Things you want to say to others, things you are feeling, things you are thinking...  You can just write the confession and hit send and it joins others in the cyber realm.  No log in necessary.  No account needed.  No names.  No special code.  Yes, I realize that my IP is probably registered some place in the event I confess something illegal, murderous, etc. 

However, it is very cleansing to be able to type freely the things I can't put here because this is too public.

I don't have to worry about someone passing judgment.  Or the wrong person finding out.  Or fear rejection. Or disapproval. Or disappointment.

I confess....

Confession is good for the soul.  

I'd share the link, but I don't want to give up my nugget.  The one place where I can shout from the rooftops what I'm really thinking and feeling, uncensored and unedited.

I discovered that there are other people who feel some of the same things I feel.  That alone was worth the discovery of the site.

It's quite nice to be able to say what you want to say and have someone else who doesn't even know you give you a thumbs up because they've felt that way, too.

Have you confessed anything lately?  Try it.  

I promise I won't tell anyone.

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