Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Chemical Romance

And they were two souls
searching for each other
One spirit looking for the other
caught between a hard
hard place and a rock

Two souls searching for heaven
rolling the dice looking for a seven
to the tick, tick, ticking of time
gotta beat the clock

Too many nights on the ledge
he acquired a knife-edge
Still the city didn't
acquiesce to his demands
Some nights she cried for pity
in the heart of the city
the city smacked her hands

I messaged a friend about a weird dream I had the other night about my online dating experience and she asked me to post it here because she said she liked how concise and clear my interpretation of romantic chemistry was in my dream.  She said it may help others with determining what is real and what isn't when it comes to finding Mr. Right.

So, Mandy, this one's for you.

I had a dream that I got a message on Zoosk from someone named "VBeachDad74". I logged into Zoosk and checked out the profile. There was no picture on the profile and the "title" of his profile was NOM NOM NOM. The profile was awesome. It had the right amount of humor and sincerity. I "felt" like I knew the person in some way. I had a feeling it might be someone I knew but without a photo and name, couldn't be certain.

So, I decided to read the message and it said:
"What is your take on chemistry? Do two people have to have instant, lab-melting, explosive chemistry the minute they meet in order to be a successful partnership?"

In order to respond, I had to buy a 3 month membership. I was a little nervous about responding because I wasn't sure if he had written me "seriously" or if he was messing with me, if it was who I thought it was.

I wrote back: "My take on chemistry is that a relationship needs it to last. There has to be some sort of connection, some symbiotic need to be together and work well together. Humor, intelligence, spiritually, emotionally and physically. I think that instant chemistry is flashy like fireworks and burns out quick, like lab-chemistry. You pour the vinegar into baking soda and it bubbles and foams immediately. You ooh and aah. Then, it fizzles out and you are left with a soggy mess to clean up. I prefer kitchen chemistry. You combine the right ingredients, set the right conditions and wait for the magic to happen. Let's say, the ingredients are for soup. You put all of them into the pot but if you don't turn on the heat, it'll never be soup. I think some couples are like that. They each bring the right ingredients to the stove-top but until heat is applied, nothing will happen. I think what happens is that they each wait on the other to turn on the heat and opportunities for chemistry are missed. SOMEONE has to take the chance and turn on the heat."

I liked my answer and hit send.

Almost immediately, I got another message from him that said, "Who should be the one to turn on the heat?"

I wrote back, "If I'm part of this recipe, then it would have to be you. I've been the one to try to turn on the heat in the past and it didn't ignite. So, now I'm waiting patiently."

He responded, "What if the soup turns out bad after the heat is applied?"

I responded, "Not if you do it right. You can't just turn the flame on full blast. You have to start small. Give a little, adjust. Give a little more, adjust. Mix things up."

He responded, "What kind of things would start your chemical reaction?"

I responded, "Obvious things that show you are interested in me more than as a friend. Don't do something that you'd do for a friend. Do something that you'd do to let me know you saw me as woman. Do something that would show me that you have opened your heart to me and only me. A private joke, a private song, a single flower that has meaning, a card... something that will remove all doubt in my head that you WANT to start a fire."

I didn't get a response. So, I wrote back, "Scare you off?"

I still didn't get a response. I waited for awhile and didn't hear anything more so I logged off and went to bed.

The next day, I received a box of matches and a note that said, "If this means anything to you, come find me."

I woke up.

I believe what "dream" me came up with.

I'd like to think it's true.

However, the person in my dream -- or who I think the person in my dream is -- does not approach chemistry the same as I do.  I get the feeling he's a flash in the pan kind of chemist.

Too bad.  I make some darn good soup.

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