Monday, January 7, 2013


I had this super weird dream last night that I was on an investigative team sent to find out why people were still turning into zombies long after the zombie plague had been taken care of and all of the zombies had been killed.

It was like a sci fi movie. My team and I went into this large bunker - very military like - and there were metal storage containers stacked on top of each other.  I opened one and inside were cardboard boxes with names written on the boxes.  I opened a few boxes and there were dead/killed zombies inside the boxes.  

I happened to notice a lot of flies and maggots festering in the cardboard and speculated to my partner that maybe the flies were spreading the zombie virus.  He said it was worth looking into so we did a test on the flies and sure enough, they were landing on the zombies and then landing on live people and infecting them with the zombie virus.  

We then had to take on the flies, which seemed almost impossible to kill with sprays and insecticides.  So I suggested that we crush their heads as if they were little zombies themselves... and it worked.

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