Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Talking About A Resolution

Chasing dragons with plastic swords
Jack off Jimmy, everybody wants more
Scully and angel on the kitchen floor
And I'm calling Buddy on the ouija board
I've been thinking 'bout catching a train
Leave my phone machine by the radar range
Hello it's me, I'm not at home
If you'd like to reach me, leave me alone

A change would do you good
A change would do you good
Hello, it's me, I'm not at home
If you'd like to reach me, leave me alone

Every January 1, I feel like I should join in with the rest of the world and make a to-do list of all of the things I want to accomplish in the next 365 days... all of the things I didn't completely accomplish in the 45 times 365 days up to now.

What would this list look like?

  1. Lose Weight.  Well, okay... that was a goal last year.  I did lose weight.  Then, I regained it and never re-lost it.  So, the goal would have to be a little more precise.  "Lose weight.  Never find it again."
  2. Go to the gym more. I went once last year.  Once.  I paid $10 a month every month just to have the opportunity to go.  The one time I went, I remembered how much I hate going to the gym. I don't like waiting to use machines.  Then, I don't like being watched by others who are waiting to use machines. I hated gym class in school so I don't know why I'd even remotely think I'd enjoy going to something that equates to a large gym class... that I pay for.  Still... if I go to the gym twice this year, I've accomplished this goal.
  3. Save money.  This was a goal last year too.  I received a tax refund and placed it in my savings account.  It stayed there for about a month until property taxes on my car came due along with all of Abby's annual vaccinations and license fee.  But, I did save for a little bit.

Making these lists is too stressful and too much like setting myself up for failure.  So, I decided this year to just have one goal.  My goal for this year is to do more of the things that make me happy and less of the things that don't make me happy.  The first part includes trusting myself more and trusting my instinct more.   

All of my "low points" from last year center around allowing others to guide how I think, feel and act/react. My plan for 2014 is to do less of that -- to be more genuine, more authentic and to trust my instincts. I ignored my "spidey sense" more than I should have and invited people into my life who gossiped about me and turned on me. I ignored warning signs that friendships were lopsided and imbalanced. I pretended I didn't notice that someone I loved didn't value me as much as I valued him. I kept talking myself out of the fact that my job is killing me and that the people who should be helping me be successful there aren't helping me.

Then, I started to think about how much fun keeping resolutions would be if we weren't so serious.

Fun resolutions:
  • To wear something red every Wednesday.
  • To part my hair on the opposite side at least once a week to see if anyone knows.
  • To clap and say "yippee" every time someone tells me that they have to go to the bathroom.
  • Whenever I meet someone new, I'm going to ask them where they are from and then use the first letter of the city or town in as many words as I can in a conversation with them until they start to get suspicious.
  • To have sex by myself, with someone, and/or in my dreams at least once a month. 
  • Feature a different letter of the alphabet for my meal planning each day for at least a month.
  • Respond to people with "word" as if it's the most natural response to whatever they are saying. 

You get the idea.  Wouldn't you be more prone to feel successful if you invited more fun and frivolity into your life instead of focusing on all of the serious "should do" and "must do" stuff?

Life's too short.  A change.... a fun change... could do me good.

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